Wednesday, June 12th 2024
(130 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208) & Virtual
Innovative Strategies to Increase WIC Participation
Ending Hunger Through Action
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is among the nation's most successful, cost-effective public health programs. Yet only slightly more than half of eligible New Yorkers participate in the program. Participation rates vary widely by geography and participant group. For example, a majority WIC-eligible people participating in Medicaid or SNAP do not participate in WIC, and WIC benefit redemption rates remain low for eligible asylum-seekers.
This panel will discuss innovative strategies that New York nonprofits are taking to increase participation. Speakers will discuss healthcare strategies that state agencies could promote to improve WIC participation, as well as a new peer navigator model to increase participation rates among asylum seekers.

Wednesday, June 12th 2024
(130 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208) & Virtual