Wednesday, June 12th 2024
(130 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208) & Virtual
Leah Vermont
University at Buffalo/Mobile Market Coalition

Leah Vermont, based at the University at Buffalo, leads the Veggie Van Training Center, which provides technical assistance and evaluation for organizations seeking to adopt evidence-based interventions focused on nutrition security. She also directs the national Mobile Market Coalition, an operator-led network established in response to the accelerated expansion of mobile market programs and supports farmers, food businesses, healthcare, and non-profits looking to start or expand mobile markets through network development, research, technical assistance, and advocacy. In addition to forging regional and national partnerships to improve training, capacity, and networking, she operates the University at Buffalo Veggie Van campus-based mobile market, a living laboratory developed to test research innovations and impact rising student food insecurity.

Wednesday, June 12th 2024
(130 New Scotland Ave, Albany, NY 12208) & Virtual